LinkedIn Pulse – June 2021

In the first quarter of 2021, LinkedIn has welcomed 34 million new users on the platform, maintaining a steady business growth amid security concerns. However, by the end of June, the website has suffered its second data breach of the year. It is estimated that more than 92% of its userbase has had its data exposed, including physical addresses, geolocation, and phone numbers. Worse, it has been reported that the unknown hacker has made public the personal data of 1 million users with LinkedIn denying the claims. Up until now, LinkedIn has been considered one of the top four social networking sites used by businesses worldwide, so it is safe to assume that the privacy agreement would undergo certain adjustments. In other business news, the “grand reopening” expected for workplaces in the summer of 2021 has paused in light of the new variant of COVID, Delta, transmitted two times as fast as previous variants. The workplace ethics seem to be changed forever, with handshakes and crowded elevators gone and the prioritization of travel and social life post-COVID set to affect this summer’s working schedule and employee satisfaction. What other work-from-home habits would be embraced by employers in the office? Find out in the article below:

LinkedIn Pulse is a collection of thought-provoking surveys on various business topics, curated by Promocrat. Let’s take a look at ten surprising insights provided by LinkedIn polls in June:

  • More than half of employees have eaten at their desks to save time, with only 11% of them believing this practice to be unhygienic and therefore unappealing.

  • Also surprising, 61% of employees admit that they embrace unsolicited advice in the workspace, as it can sometimes be helpful. 15% disagree, saying unsolicited advice is “never welcomed”.

  • On the topic of vacationing and time off, 37% of employees are satisfied with the number of personal days they’ve taken off work, while the other 63% did not have the needed time to unwind.

  • 55% of LinkedIn users surveyed by a recent poll have reaffirmed LinkedIn’s position as a great connection-building platform, while other 23% of them have declared that they never gained any professional benefits from using LinkedIn.
  • Another revealing statistic is that displays that 41% of employees abstain from posting original content on LinkedIn in fear of other professional opinions, with other different causes being the lack of ideas (31%) and time (21%).

  • An essential asset in choosing a company, seems to be the manager’s willingness to provide feedback, with 38% of employees preferring to receive feedback on a weekly basis, according to a poll conducted by Amazon Best Selling Author and TEDx Speaker Joshua Miller.

  •  In the field of hiring, 48% of professionals agree that age might sometimes factor in when it comes to choosing a candidate for an interview; only 12% of the people think age is not an important factor in the hiring process.

Saw any interesting polls on your LinkedIn in June? Please send them to