LinkedIn Pulse – May 2021

LinkedIn Pulse is a collection of thought-provoking surveys on various business topics, curated by Promocrat. Today, we will take a look at ten surprising insights provided by LinkedIn polls in May.   

For many governments worldwide, the previous month has been a turning point – the unwinding of COVID restrictions has been met with the renewal of hope that we might be returning to something that feels like normal in the near future. Many employees are eager to come back to the office as a lot of them have experienced some form of a mental block while working at home (as many as 67%, according to a recent poll).

In the previous months, the hesitancy of resuming offline work activities has been linked to the fear of interacting with unvaccinated colleagues. Still, recently, new insights show that more than half of employees (59%) don’t mind working with their unvaccinated peers (only 41% are still reluctant). It seems like the vast majority (51%) of employees view their fellow coworkers to have the most significant impact for returning to work, as opposed to the CEO or the financial department decisions. Nonetheless, people management is generally viewed as the most prominent quality of a leader (by 70% of those surveyed in the latest poll of Amazon Best Selling Author Joshua Miller). This amounts to more votes than the project, resource, and risk management combined.

As far as working habits go, most employees still perform at their best during the early hours of the morning, as demonstrated by recent polls (49% vs. 40%). However, there has been a spike in productivity during the evening and late-night, as illustrated by the second poll. Some seem to continue their working patterns far beyond the working hours, with a record 73% of employees admitting that they still pick up the phone for their managers/clients during time off.

This raises some concern of sacrificing personal time in the name of results, with only 34%  of workers reserving a few minutes every day for personal interests and 28% only engaging in their hobbies during the weekends. Another poll on a similar topics suggests that people should try to combine their professional and personal interests, with 59% of participants believing that following your passion is still great carrer advice.

For those who just entered the job market, the consensus seems to be that stability is the most important factor, while looking for a new opportunity (59%), followed by money (24%) and brand (11%).

Moreover, it is through the power of networking that most recents graduates land a job (55%) while previous work experience (23%) and hard skills (15%) being runner-ups in a survey conducted by Jonathan Javier, CEO @ Wonsulting & The20.

Saw any interesting polls on your LinkedIn in June? Please send them to